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Inter-Lakes Spring 2025 Athletic Information

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The goal of this letter is to provide you with important information pertaining to the Spring Athletic Programs that are offered at Inter-Lakes.  All athletes must be registered on Final Forms ( prior to the first practice. Athletes who played a fall or a winter sport just need to add the spring sport on Final Forms and update any relevant contact or medical information.   All athletes are required to have a physical exam clearing them to participate in sports prior to participating.  Physicals are good for twenty-four months.  Students who do not have a current Impact Test (concussion) are asked to sign up for a test offered by the athletic trainer prior to the start of the season (not required for 6th graders). The test is generally given to 7th graders and then 9th and 11th graders- plus any new athlete who has not been tested.  Please email our athletic trainer Seth Shackford and he will send you the link for the Impact test (  PLEASE REGISTER FOR THE SPRING SPORT BY FEBRUARY 1, 2025!

High School Tryout Information Grades 9-12:

Girls Tennis-  Monday, March 24 3:30-4:30pm Room 219

Girls Lacrosse- Monday, March 24 4:45-6pm ILMHS Gym

Boys Baseball- Monday, March 24 7:15-8:30pm ILMHS Gym

Girls Softball- Monday, March 24 5-6:30pm ILES MPR

Boys Tennis- Monday, March 24 3:30-4:30pm Weight Room

Boys Lacrosse- Monday, March 24 6-7:15pm ILMHS Gym

Coed Track- Monday, March 24 3:30-5pm ILMHS Gym (4:45-5pm in 118)


Middle School Tryout Information Grades 6-8:

Baseball- Monday, March 24 3:30-5pm ILES Gym

Softball- Monday, March 24 3:30-5pm ILES MPR

Coed Track- Monday, March 24 3:30-4:45pm ILMHS Gym

Tennis- 8th graders will be allowed to participate on the high school team only if there are fewer than 8 high school players (per NHIAA rules).  


Practice/Game Schedules can be found on BigTeams (  If you sign up on BigTeams for a specific sport you will receive text message alerts when there is a schedule change or cancellation. Bigteams has a customer support option if you need assistance setting up your alerts.

I look forward to a great spring season!  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.   


Sarah Dumais- Athletic Director

Inter-Lakes School District        603-279-6162 ext. 2570